Funny Sitting in the Dentist Chair
The inspiration for this list was a routine visit to the dentist. Like all dentist offices, I could hear what was going on in several offices around me. I heard some funny things, and also I made up some of my own. I hope you enjoy this list
10 If you are in a dentist's chair, do not try to answer the dentist's questions while their hand is in your mouth. If you do, at best your answer will be garbled and not understood. At worst, the dentist may come up missing a tool. (Yes, it is strange the dentist asks a question while you are incapable of speech, Elijah. Try to resist since that lost tool may be with you for a long time.)
9 If you are in a dentist's chair, do not listen to Tiny the WWF champ whimper in the next room. If you do, at best it may unnerve you. At worst, Tiny may catch sight of you as he leaves and will want to make sure you won't gossip about his lack of fortitude. (That shadow passing over you as you go from the dentist office, Evan, is Tiny coming up from behind. Don't think. Just drop and roll.)
8 If you are in the dentist's chair, do not ask about the cost of a procedure while it is underway. If you do, at best you won't like the answer. At worst, the dentist may decide to give you a discount provided you can endure the procedure with no painkiller. ( You have to wonder, Ezekiel, why he keeps asking, "Is it safe?" from the movie Marathon Man. Yes that is you making all that noise.)
7 If you are in the dentist's chair, do not try to read your chart when the Dentist leaves. If you do, at best you won't understand a thing. At worst, the hygienist will walk in just as you are leaning over backward with the chart in your hands. (How do you explain yourself, Edgar? You could have just asked to see your chart.)
6 If you are in the dentist's chair, do not think about the Italian sub you had for lunch. If you do, at best you won't open your mouth. At worst, you will try to explain your faux pas all while the hygienist continues to spray mouthwash each time you open your mouth. (You wish the "ew" sound were as a result of a different source huh, Elliott?)
5 If you are in the dentist's chair, do not fool around with the controls. If you do, at best you won't get wet. At worst you will cause possible complications from the polishing tool function being replaced by a drilling tool function. (That hole in your front tooth is charming, Emmett. Maybe you can get a diamond to fit in there.)
4 If you are in the dentist's chair, do not think the dentist will be right in to see you. If you do, at best your waiting time will seem even longer. At worst, you fell asleep and drooled all over that lovely napkin under your chin. (How do you explain the wet spot to the hygienist, Edwin? Try your Quasimodo impersonation. "Here. Take whistle. Only thing I hear. Blow if in trouble." They will love it.)
3 If you are in the dentist chair, do not remind yourself about that 32-ounce Big Gulp soda you finished on the way over here. If you do, at best you will forgive yourself for not making a restroom stop. At worst, the dental staff will think you are a crack addict given the amount of twitching and jumping you go through as you try to manage the specter of an accident. (Why is that little voice in your head still talking about Niagara Falls, Easton? Pretty self-defeating I would say.)
2 If you are in the dentist's chair, do not acknowledge the rumbling inside of you. If you do, at best your explanation of the sour kraut and corned beef sandwich will fall on unsympathetic ears. At worst, you may give your body permission to vent off the building pressure. (Nothing pleases people more in a closed room, Edmund.)
1 If you are in the dentist's chair, do not ask to hold a teddy bear before the procedure. If you do, at best the staff will think you are joking. At worst, you will get the bear and a chart notation to watch for an emotional break in the future. (Ever wonder why everyone talks in a whisper when you visit the office, Ezequiel?)
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